Last Night at Home....
Moira Schneider
Well it's the count down of hours now and I keep thinking I have everything together and something else pops up to be attended to but if I had to leave right now I am ready in that sense. Lots of calls wishing me well which means I am leaving under many blessings.
What isn't done doesn't matter we never have everything just so..... But thought to take a photo of my gorgeous roses that are nearly two weeks old. The markets are my favourite spot for purchasing the roses and these are the last till September - oh what a wait
I have weighed my cabin bag and just make the target so absolutely no more !! I have a friend who manages to travel with just cabin baggage most of the time - I can't seem to do it yet. Have organised my boxes at the other end that have arrived at my Aunt's !!!!
Till my next post ......