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52 Hawkesbury Dr
Willetton, WA, 6155

Imported Linen made into Interior products of quilts, cushions, throws, napery. Vintage fabrics made up into bags, napery. Recycled and painted furniture, mirrors. Recycled pots with plants, floral arrangements......unusual finds for decorating.


Into London Tuesday and Wednesday...

Moira Schneider

In order to get to most of my destination stores I decided to do a short trip on Tuesday and long day on Wednesday.  Tuesday I got to Sloane Square to visit Anthropologie which is housed in a huge old character building and then to several smaller stores.

Inside Anthropolgiei also popped into the Saachi Gallery where upon there was an exhibition themed on trees....very modern but still quite interesting as I love anything to do with trees be it fabrics printed with trees or prints or lanterns... 

Inside Anthropolgie

i also popped into the Saachi Gallery where upon there was an exhibition themed on trees....very modern but still quite interesting as I love anything to do with trees be it fabrics printed with trees or prints or lanterns...