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52 Hawkesbury Dr
Willetton, WA, 6155

Imported Linen made into Interior products of quilts, cushions, throws, napery. Vintage fabrics made up into bags, napery. Recycled and painted furniture, mirrors. Recycled pots with plants, floral arrangements......unusual finds for decorating.


Meeting my dear friend Tamara Fogle at The Cloth Shop London

Moira Schneider

Tamara & I first met several years ago after I read an article about Tamara and her gorgeous hand made bags.  She had sourced old Hungarian & German Grain Sack Fabrics, designing & making bags finished with beautiful Italian Leather Handles.  I had arranged to meet Tamara at a Homewares Fair where she was exhibiting her bags & selling them on the afternoon that I hit London.  Falling in love with these bags, I purchased a number of them with my husband left carrying several white shoppers filled to the brim of these wonderful bags back to where we were staying.  We also had made plans to meet Tamara at her flat where upon I was to pick up several more of her bags along with seeing her miniature workshop in the back garden.

We have kept in touch since & encouraged each other along the way with our creativeness.  So this trip I was to meet her for coffee & we would cross the road to visit her Aunt who works in 'The Cloth Shop' - again a beautiful little shop filled to the brim with fabrics of every description but many of the rustic textured Linens, Indigo fabrics, Vintage sheets, Hungarian Sack Cloth & Vintage Tea Towels, along with a number of heavy duty trims

Meeting Tamara in the Coffee Shop

Meeting Tamara in the Coffee Shop

Wonderful collection of odds & ends amidst the fabrics

Wonderful collection of odds & ends amidst the fabrics

Rustic Linens sit beside earthen ware pots

Rustic Linens sit beside earthen ware pots

Tamara's Aunt Alex who has always served me when I shop.

Tamara's Aunt Alex who has always served me when I shop.

Goodbye to Aunt Alex, Tamara & her dear boy Jack - till next time I shop there.

Goodbye to Aunt Alex, Tamara & her dear boy Jack - till next time I shop there.