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52 Hawkesbury Dr
Willetton, WA, 6155

Imported Linen made into Interior products of quilts, cushions, throws, napery. Vintage fabrics made up into bags, napery. Recycled and painted furniture, mirrors. Recycled pots with plants, floral arrangements......unusual finds for decorating.


Remembering a Kinfolk Dinner......

Moira Schneider

Being in the middle of winter when it is cold, one can think back to summer whereupon you are reminded of summery/balmy nights when we have shared in a wonderful banquet of beautifully presented food.  My last Kinfolk Dinner was one such evening whereupon the Dinner was prepared by the Kent Street Deli & held in what was one of my favourite shops that had not long been open called 'Little Leaf Co'.  It had been opened by Tonya who had the most wonderful way with plants and all aspects of Horticultural Delights.....

Well the little shop had not long been opened as I said & had become a hive of activity as Tonya was well connected not only with whom she sourced her products from over time, but suddenly to be hosting a Kinfolk Dinner.  The evening was to be a place of community get together whereupon you could connect with a number of people in business, or starting out in business.

The dinner tables were laid, the food prepared & served while conversation flowed all amidst the decor of plants & artefacts inside what was an old warehouse where surfboards had been made.....A wonderful night was had by all, yet it it would  inspire you to do something like this with a group of friends to encourage & support each other starting off in business or growing a sideline into a business....

Simple Table Setting with handmade Napkins & Menu

Simple Table Setting with handmade Napkins & Menu

Delicious Seafood Mini Platters to share between 2 People

Delicious Seafood Mini Platters to share between 2 People

Quick look up & its like an Alladins Cave..

Quick look up & its like an Alladins Cave..