We at Moira’s Urban Palette are committed to ensuring our customers’ privacy on the internet. We preserve and use your customer information in a manner that is intended to maintain the relationship and trust that we have with you.
Moira’s Urban Palette collects individual customer information that is necessary to fulfill customer orders and inquiries, and anticipate our customers’ needs. We also collect anonymous information to help improve the content and relevancy of our website, enhance our customer service, personalise the content and layout for visitors, and generally enhance our customers’ buying experience.
We may wish to communicate with you from time to time via e-mail to provide you with information regarding your account. On occasion, the information gathered through the website might be used to customize your information, or update you on new products or promotions. If you do not wish to receive any communications by e-mail, please ask us to remove you from our e-mail list at moirasurbanpalette@iinet.net.au. You may also contact us to update your address or let us know of personnel changes.
As with many websites, we use ‘cookies’ to obtain certain types of information when you access moirasurbanpalette.com.au. Cookies are alphanumeric identifiers that are transferred to your computer’s hard drive to enable our systems to recognise your browser. Accepting cookies allows you to take advantage of all features available at moirasurbanpalette.com.au. (The ‘help’ portion of the toolbar on most browsers will tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting cookies, how to have the browser notify you when you receive a new cookie, or how to prevent receiving cookies altogether.)
Moira’s Urban Palette does not sell or exchange the e-mail, telephone or postal addresses of our customers, nor is that information made available to third parties except as needed to provide you with the services you have requested.