Sweet Coffee Cafes & Eateries
Moira Schneider
Wherever I journey whether close to home, or in the next suburb, or into the city, or popping over to Melbourne or Sydney or further afield when I go to the UK....there are delightful coffee cafe's & eateries that are uniquely designed, the ambiance says it all. It has become something I love to do, to find these little havens as they inspire me in my cooking, decorating & presentation of the food, along with crockery & cutlery.....but again it is good for the soul as these places will often bring a tranquility amidst our business even a place to journal or gather our thoughts. Why spend precious time in places that are soulless & bland. Be encouraged to source a couple of lovely places to take yourself off to when there are those tough days...or to take your friends to as this will lift their spirits too.
The Famous Hopetoun Tea Room in Melbourne
The Cube in Dunsborough (the Cafe actually is designed like a cube)
Little Beachside Cafe not far from North Balgowlah
Simplicity does it for a take away...
The Boasted Sydney..
Opposite the high table & chairs at the Boatshed...gorgeous array of flowers for sale.
More Fruit & Flowers at the Boasted.
Outside area at the Boasted...lovely spots & ambiance.