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52 Hawkesbury Dr
Willetton, WA, 6155

Imported Linen made into Interior products of quilts, cushions, throws, napery. Vintage fabrics made up into bags, napery. Recycled and painted furniture, mirrors. Recycled pots with plants, floral arrangements......unusual finds for decorating.


My Friends Backyard onto Toby Inlet...

Moira Schneider

I have a dear friend Alison, whom I have known for years, whereupon my family knew her family before we became friends.  We would go to the seaside to stay in a dear little, if somewhat raw cottage, directly opposite the beach.  Alison's Dad & his brother being farmers had wanted a seaside holiday place where they could holiday as a family - in those days early days possibly coming by horse & dray.  Much has of course changed but one thing hasn't - the time Alison & I spent over the summers sitting on the back steps of the cottage we stayed in, or around the old kitchen table in the other cottage that was to become Alison's place permanently, we would share what we were working on.  As both of us enjoyed textiles, paintings, pottery, artwork, love of design and interior design we would share our books, drawings, ideas & whatever else we were working on.  We have continued to have times together inspiring each other & especially with Alison being such a well know artist worldwide & in the South West & constantly in demand for her beautiful work.  What also inspires me when I visit is wandering around her garden that leads down to Toby Inlet.....along with endless walks along the beach which soothes ones soul and feeds creativity.

What better place to sit amidst some of Alison's Art Work with a cuppa....

What better place to sit amidst some of Alison's Art Work with a cuppa....

Simple Collections that have added to Alison's seascape work

Simple Collections that have added to Alison's seascape work

Continual abstract beauty from old farming impliments

Continual abstract beauty from old farming impliments