Saturday morning we awoke ....
Moira Schneider
Saturday morning we awoke to the sound of many boats going up & down the canel as it was quite hot. For most people here, it must have felt like a summer holiday as they had stripped off wearing only their bathers to soak up the sun. There was much chatter & music & as I mentioned many had picnic baskets set up. The Moore Hen & her chicks, along with the Swans just disappeared into hiding.
After a leisurely breakfast we went to explore more of where Tony's father had grown up - having found the building that his grandparents owned & where he grew up ... they lived in the top part & rented the bottom part out. We have had a few laughs as the bottom part is now a Tattoo Parlour ... we actually spoke to the owner of the parlour today as she happened to step outside as we were taking photos & told us a little bit about the building but obiviously didn't know the whole history. We then went into the centre of Leiden to the Saturday weekly markets that have been operating since Leiden began. There was such a choice of cheeses, meats, breads, fruit etc along with stalls with rolls of fabric & clothing.
We came back to our boat laden with lovely fresh bread, homemade dips, cheese & an extra bottle of wine. We had shared delicious fresh baked coconut merangues as we walked through the stalls. We spied a fantastic restored warehouse that now has the front part as a coffee spot with the back part fitted out as a restaurant. Incorporating the old with the new which brings such character & atmosphere .... the extension of the coffee spot spilled outside into a permanently moored barge ...
I walked back into the centre to where the markets had been, in the afternoon as I had spied a fabric & wool shop as we weaved in & out of the markets. It was so worth my walk back as Marlies who owns 'Meet & Make' shared about where she sources her lovely products. She also is heading to London to meet friends & purchase some more goodies & suggested I head to the Victoria & Albert Museum. There are a few good exhibitions like the Soviet Post Printmaking. Rachael Knee Bone, Balenciaga:Shaping Fashion. It is a dear little shop which is long & narrow with fabrics lining one side & wools lining the other side. The amount of wool was amazing with such a selection of styles & colours. Marlies also stocked the English Merchant & Mills vintage style sewing products. I came out with a little parcel but hard to hide as this will need to find a space in my already tight packed bag ....
In the evening we had a Booking to have dinner at the well known ' Printenkabinet' restaurant. It is operating in what used to be the Leiden University's Restoration of Prints. This moved a number of years ago but it was of significance for us as Tony's father had been one of the Art Restorer's there after the 2nd world war. It was a special journey to come back to Leiden to explore where Jan (Tony's Dad) had grown up & worked. We were treated well, with a lovey dinner, taken around the restaurant & able to take photos & a copy of the history. It turns out that the University's restoration program still happens & the people of the University still go to the restaurant.
Off to catch the train into Amsterdam ...
Outside our boat as we leave to go to the markets
This is what we pass as we walk into town !!
Just one of the flower stalls - the amazing selection of flowers & especially one of my favourites Peonies & bunches of Sweet Peas
This is one of Leidens permanent features across the main canel running through the centre of town.
The Markets are around the Town Hall square& the clock chimes every 15 minutes.
Some of the sweets produce !!
Time for a real coffee ... this is in an old warehouse that would have been used to load up containers for delivery. This is one that had the cafe & restaurant....
The restaurant ..
Another sweet Garden Shop on the walk home .... Tony's Dad who loved Cactus's, would be very impressed at the popularity of Cactus's now.
Tony behind the bar at the Printenkabinet Restaurant ...
Whoops I have cut Tony off but at least you can see the original room where the restoration work was done, with the originals tiles & wood panelled gallery.
These are copies of the original art works that were restored possibly at the time Tony's Dad was working there.
A copy of one of the wonderful oil Paintings by one of the Dutch Masters hangs in the Hall of the Restaurant ..