Wednesday - Tony's Birthday !!!!
Moira Schneider
Awoke to a gorgeous sunny day - perfect for a trip up the Thames to Windsor to celebrate Tony's Birthday (& belated for Val) together. We stop off at Windsor for 3hrs to have lunch & walk around the Town as well as being able to walk near Windsor Castle ( not quite enough time to do a tour) & view the walk from one end to the other of the grounds.
The trip was a gentle pace & also through a couple of lochs ...the views going up & back are lovely. Much wildlife to be seen, lovely homes & lots of houseboats. As we came back we saw many people who had come to the river, parked & sat on lazy chairs drinking their wines & just enjoying the summer sun.....
We returned home with an hour or so to spare to get ready to go out for dinner. We had booked to go to the 'Fox & Hound' which is near Windsor. Off we went with Val (living by herself all her life - we are the life of the party for her as she has lost nearly all family members now & cares for an elderly friend, & her Godson who had to retire early from work as he has muscular dystrophy)We had a great time & again the meal was so good. It was a lovely end to a special day for Tony.
Views on the trip..
At the entrance to the Windsor boat docking ramp.
The Greek Restaurant we went to for lunch & this was the same place I had taken Val to 3 yrs ago & was just as good !!
Windsor Castle - the one that 'the people love'
Some people near us having a meal called out to us to take our photo outside what is called 'the crooked house' which it was. Having been a tea rooms it was now a dear little shop with Pearl Jewellery from the Jersey Isles.
Inside the 'Fox & Hounds'. Many renovated Pubs have signs written on boards or walls - this one read 'Laughter is brightest in the place where food is'
The light is still so soft & beautiful at 9.30pm as we leave ..