Sad Day As Tony Leaves
Moira Schneider
It was a gentle start to the day as Tony did the final packing, sharing together the things that needed to happen once Tony was home .... we went for a long walk together along a path that went around a large reservoir about 2 minutes walk from Val's home.
After taking Tony to the airport, I started to make some calls to the girls I am catching up with over the next couple of weeks. I will be travelling to Ardingly (Sth of London) to be part of an Antique & Collectors Fair with my friend Maud. Then onto Salisbury to have an Art Lesson from another lady (Patricia Samantha) who does water colour on Linen.
I then spent some time with Val doing girlie things (she wanted to haveher nails done & a pedicure but hadn't had the courage to actually go & do it by herself) so off we went. Had a lovely time & then finished the day by visiting her Godson & sharing takeaway Indian. (Feels like all I talk about are the lovelies & food !!!). This was the holiday part, then I begin my work which is going to be an adventure of a lifetime !!!
Thought Bal is 81 - she so wants to stay young & just loved the girlie things along with wanting a pair of sandals like I had !!! She has worked hard to loose a lot of weight after loosing her sister, brother-in-law & a close friend.