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52 Hawkesbury Dr
Willetton, WA, 6155

Imported Linen made into Interior products of quilts, cushions, throws, napery. Vintage fabrics made up into bags, napery. Recycled and painted furniture, mirrors. Recycled pots with plants, floral arrangements......unusual finds for decorating.


Where has my journaling been !!! Well another adventure is about to being with my gorgeous Cousins & Aunt.

Moira Schneider

I always come home from my trips with the best intentions of continuing to write every morning ...  somehow when I touch down life overtakes & working for my husband who has a busy practice always take precedence, then keeping our home & garden running smoothly along with the special friends I am in regular contact with.....

Well here goes I will try again.  My bag is packed, though sorting weightage for trips is always a bit tricky as I always seem to be over & needing to send parcels home.  I need to get sorted & signed up with a worldwide courier !!!  I feel like this is a really special adventure as it is the first time I have been away with my very different to just catchups & cups of tea - this feel so much like the Famous Five Adventures with the children going off with their cousin George but instead of George it’s Me as I said to my cousins.  Mind you we are missing doggy with air travel.....We are hoping to have High Tea to celebrate all our Birthdays.  Ooooops where are we off to - well Bali of course.  My eldest cousin has been so many times & know her way around like it is her backyard so couldn’t be going with a better travel companion & guide.  I know we will have many laughs, talk lots & especially taking their Mum, my Aunt who is turning 88yrs.  



This gorgeous photo is looking over the fence to our neighbours home - but so hoping this is what I will see on Bali.....oh what fun......

Well not disappointed - we landed safely after so many laughs before we even got on the plane - with drinks before we started along with Dear Aunt in a wheelchair that was soo narrow that she felt she might fall off .... we arrived at our hotel quite late but after a hot shower setttled well knowing we would be up & off early. 

In the open at our hotel for breakkie ....

In the open at our hotel for breakkie ....


My lovey Aunt at 88 still loves adventure & here she is sitting next to a Bonsai with cousin Jenny ..



Right outside our Bedrooms - I was able to swim in the lap-pool every morning before we headed out our adventures...