A Sneak Peak of Goodies Coming....
Moira Schneider
As I mentioned on my Instagram, my online shop is in the production stage, not just coming but actually being put together with the help of Suzie my niecce, who is so accomplished having studied Architecture, moving into full time Wedding Photography & keeping fit with her passion of Rowing & being in the State team competing regularly in Sydney….so I am so grateful for her insights & wisdom.
In my last journal I mentioned about what it is to rise above all that swirls around us & to bring that sense of loveliness to those around us whether family or friends & especially into our homes. Just to go the extra mile brings such a smile or touches ones heart as does smelling roses on the journey !!!!
We are experiencing such gentle weather for this season of Autumn which means we can be in the garden for quite some time rather than dashing in & out between showers….we have had so little rain which we so need but as it is quite cool by 4pm lasting during the night until around 10am the next day it means our flowers are still blooming & the gardens just soak up the midday warmth….amazingly so we even have little seedlings sprouting which usually only happens in Spring. I have been able to spend longer hours outside not just in the garden but stripping some old furniture so I can renovate it….see my Instagram for progress, with pieces soon available online as well.
Keep connected to see what is unfolding & value all those who are following my progress….
Repotted & organised pot plants on my patio....
My current project that I am working on !!! Oh to be finished & onto my next one .....
You are probably thinking what is this random photo - but whala it is my first batch of yummy organic chocolate that I have learnt to make amidst all my projects....